modula t.


Along with code, music is the medium I have been doing the longest and devoted the most time to. I am (and was) involved in many music projects, each exploring different styles and ideas.


Krovo (bandcamp) is my "main" musical project. It focuses on explorations and experimentations in both texture and rhythm, taking heavy influence from styles such as glitch, rhythmic noise, EAI, musique concrete, flashcore, and abstract noise.

For a sampling, the following releases are the ones I'm most proud of:

modula t. worm

I put out music under the name modula t. worm (bandcamp) when it doesn't fit under my other projects. Thus each release under this name is even less consistent with the others than those under my other projects.

So far I have produced 4 releases under this name (most recent first):

Ostensibly Ossified

Ostensibly Ossified (bandcamp) is an internetcore, plunderphonics, avant-breakcore, and post-mash-up "cover band" that I am a part of. It's heavily inspired by YouTube Poop and similar internet artforms. Don't tell the other members I said this, but the project shouldn't be taken too seriously; just enjoy the absurdity.

Recommended works:

other projects

Aside from the main ones listed above, I've also organized and been a part of many other projects as well: